AT THE ARMORY ART CENTER | 811 Park Place | West Palm Beach, FL 33401 | (561) 832-1776
Art Salons
"IMAGES FROM THE 2nd Biennial "Artists of Art Salon" Exhibition - Photographs by Adriano Ficarelli"
Entrance To Exhibition
''Gossamer Daphne'' By Sarah Knouse
''Gossamer Daphne'' By Sarah Knouse
''Rat'' By JoAnn Nava
Paintings And Sculpture By JoAnn Nava
''Banyon Tree'' Installation By Leora Stewart
''Nightlands 3'' Video By Sri Prahba
''Thrown Thrones '' By Randy Burman
Terre Rybovich And Her Charcoal Drawings
''Work Simulaton Unit'' By Pip And Duane Brant
Tapestries By Pip Brant, Ceramics By Duane Brant
Collages By T. J. Ahearn
''Red, White And Business'' By Elle Schorr
JoAnn Nava
Vicki Siegel
Dorotha Grace Lemeh
Mark Walnock And Elle Schorr
Elle Schorr And Jerry Kornbluth
Elle Schorr And Jerry Kornbluth
Videos And Embroideries By Allison Kotzig
DEtail Of ''Banyon Tree'' By Leora Stewart
''Golf Wars'' By Pip And Duane Brant
Randy Burman And Tables / Signs From Dept Of Poetry Works
Nazare Feliciano
Elle Schorr And Sarah Knouse
Terre Rybovich With Marc Bruner And Juan Erman Gonzales
Duane Brant
Pip Brant
Randy Burman
Juan Erman Gonzales And One Of His Cut Paper Paintings
Stephen Futej And His Sculptures
Mark WAlnock And His Sculptures
Allison Kotzig's Installation
''Scare Crow'' By Duane Brant
More Of The Artists
Elle Schorr And ''Red, White And Business''